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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

As it ascends,
it detects the smell of oils

and proteins shed into the water
by the panicked mackerel.

The trail leads both the shark

and its attendant pilot fish
towards an easy meal.

Scraps and casualties float

in the wake of the passing mackerel school

Throughout the ocean,
predators and prey are locked

in a deadly three-dimensional
contest of hide and seek

played out over immense distances.

To survive they must travel.

The huge four metre long blue-fin tuna

has special blood vessels that enable it

to keep its body temperature significantly
warmer than the surrounding water.

As a result,
they can survive in much colder conditions

than any other tuna
and they travel thousands of

miles away from their spawning grounds

in the tropics to hunt in cold seas

where the food supply is richest.

Ocean travellers come in many guises

- and few are stranger than this...

crab that spends much of its life afloat.

lt is a worrying passer-by
for booby birds with delicate toes.

Many floaters are little more than jelly,

enclosed in membranes,
but they may drift for vast distances.

And turtles, like these olive ridleys,
migrate thousands of miles every year.

The ocean is full of such wanderers,

riding the currents, and doing their best

to avoid enemies while
they search for food

and a safe place to breed...

Which is exactly what these rays are doing

- forming the two-mile-high-club,

gathering together
for courtship on the wing,

far above the ocean floor.

More nomads - flying fish.

They seem to be
on every large predator's menu,

so their whole life is spent
on the run in the open ocean.

They don't scatter their eggs

but lay them on pieces of flotsam
like this palm frond.

lf the quality of water is right,

they will attach their eggs to the frond,

which will then serve as a kind
of life-raft for their offspring.

But it's not only flying fish
that seek nurseries.

Any piece of floating debris can serve
as a shelter under which baby fish can hide

The only draw back, is that predators

like this wahoo always check up on

who's hanging about in the shadows.

The wahoo may trail the flotsam for weeks.

Few bits of flotsam are without their

quota of lodgers - even man-made
junk attracts them.

And some, like this oceanic trigger fish,

defend their squatters rights with vigour

The triggers, in fact,
tend to claim all the prime residences.

Out here,
even discarded netting can provide

valuable shelter, so

- in a bizarre twist

- a wrecked trawl net like this can end up
as a sanctuary for fish

- until such time as it finally sinks.

lndeed, a single large piece of flotsam

can be the reason why several
square miles of open ocean,

instead of being empty, will support
a fish population of hundreds of tonnes.

This huge clump of seaweed
is doing exactly that.


crab [kræb] n. 螃蟹;蟹肉;脾气乖戾的人;起重机 vt. 抱怨;破坏;使偏航 vi. 捕蟹;发牢骚;抱怨 {cet6 ky toefl gre :5100}

junk [dʒʌŋk] n. 垃圾,废物;舢板 n. (Junk)人名;(德、捷)容克 {gk cet6 ky ielts :5130}

discarded [dɪs'kɑ:rdɪd] v. 丢弃(discard的过去分词) adj. 丢弃的;废弃的 { :5416}

attendant [əˈtendənt] n. 服务员,侍者;随员,陪从 adj. 伴随的;侍候的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :5430}

scraps [skræps] n. 残羹剩饭;刮屑(scrap的复数) { :5535}

offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ] n. 后代,子孙;产物 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5729}

sanctuary [ˈsæŋktʃuəri] n. 避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿 {toefl :5985}

tuna [ˈtju:nə] n. 金枪鱼,鲔鱼 n. (Tuna)人名;(葡、匈、捷、土、塞)图纳 {cet6 :5993}

olive [ˈɒlɪv] n. 橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄色 adj. 橄榄的;橄榄色的 n. (Olive)人名;(英)奥利芙(女子教名) {cet6 :6160}

spawning ['spɔ:nɪŋ] n. 产卵;增殖 v. 播种,产卵;大量生成(spawn的现在分词) { :6476}

turtles ['tɜːtlz] n. 乌龟(turtle的复数) { :6490}

migrate [maɪˈgreɪt] vi. 移动;随季节而移居;移往 vt. 使移居;使移植 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :6504}

wrecked [rekt] adj. 失事的(船);迷幻的,兴奋的 { :6918}

vigour [ˈvɪgə(r)] n. 活力;气势 n. (Vigour)人名;(法)维古尔 {cet6 :7600}

jelly [ˈdʒeli] n. 果冻;胶状物 vi. 成胶状 vt. 使结冻 n. (Jelly)人名;(英)杰利;(俄)叶利 {cet6 toefl :8007}

clump [klʌmp] n. 丛;笨重的脚步声;土块 vt. 使成一丛;使凝结成块 vi. 形成一丛;以沉重的步子行走 { :8197}

guises [gaɪziz] n. 外观,伪装( guise的名词复数 ) v. 外观,伪装( guise的第三人称单数 ) { :8635}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

ascends [əˈsendz] v. 上升,攀登( ascend的第三人称单数 ) { :9518}

courtship [ˈkɔ:tʃɪp] n. 求爱;求婚;求爱期 {toefl :10459}

afloat [əˈfləʊt] adj. 在海上的;飘浮的;浸满水的;在传播的 adv. 在海上;飘浮著;浸满水 { :11249}

lodgers [ˈlɔdʒəz] n. 房客,租住者( lodger的名词复数 ) { :12442}

ridleys [ ] n. 鳞龟属动物(产于墨西哥湾)( ridley的名词复数 ) { :12788}

seaweed [ˈsi:wi:d] n. 海藻,海草 {gk toefl :13198}

oceanic [ˌəʊʃiˈænɪk] adj. 海洋的;海洋产出的;在海洋中生活的;广阔无垠的 { :13204}

tropics ['trɒpɪks] n. 热带地区 {toefl :13268}

panicked [ ] vt. 恐慌 { :14316}

squatters [ˈskwɔtəz] n. 蹲着的人( squatter的名词复数 ); 擅自占用房屋或土地的人 { :14370}

nomads [ˈnəʊˌmædz] n. 游牧民,牧游者(nomad的复数形式);流浪者 { :14560}

wanderers [ˈwɔndərəz] n. 游荡、漫游的人,各处走动的动物( wanderer的名词复数 ) { :15481}

mackerel [ˈmækrəl] n. 鲭(产于北大西洋);马鲛鱼 { :15554}

frond [frɒnd] n. (蕨类等的)叶,复叶;叶状体 {gre :15768}

trawl [trɔ:l] n. 拖网;排钩 vi. 用拖网捕鱼 vt. 用拖网捕鱼 {gre :17677}

booby [ˈbu:bi] n. 呆子;傻瓜;塘鹅;(在比赛或游戏中)成绩最差的人 { :20182}

floaters [f'ləʊtəz] 债券发行人 { :22938}

flotsam [ˈflɒtsəm] n. 废料;(遇难船的)漂流货物;浮货;零碎物 { :24242}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

wahoo [wɑ:'hu:] n. 卫矛;火树的一种 { :32111}

enclose in [ ] 把…关进〔监禁〕于; 把…封入(信封、包裹等)

floating debris [ ] un. 漂浮物;流木 [网络] 漂浮垃圾;漂流物;漂流物被抛弃的

life afloat [ ] na. 海上生活

olive ridley [ ] [网络] 橄榄海龟;太平洋丽龟;橄榄雷德利龟

olive ridleys [ ] 榄蠵龟

the tropic [ ] [网络] 热带区

to breed [ ] 配种

trawl net [trɔ:l net] na. 拖网

with vigour [ ] prep.朝气蓬勃地,有力地

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用